Explores themes of female empowerment through sex, work, and friendship. These women are able to come together through their frustration over male dominance and in fact use their newly ...
Explores themes of female empowerment through sex, work, and friendship. These women are able to come together through their frustration over male dominance and in fact use their newly ...
尼克(迈克尔·塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)是个高中生贝斯手,有着不凡的音乐才华,不过性格内向木讷,因此惨遭女友抛弃;诺拉(凯特·戴琳斯 Kat Dennings 饰)是个有头脑的个性女孩,从小受音乐人父亲影响深远,对音乐极其敏感。机缘巧合之下,诺拉拾到一张CD,被里面的音乐打动,后又在一场演唱会上遇到尼克,对他一见钟情。荒诞的一夜就此开启,尼克要求诺拉做他“五分钟女友”,恰逢诺拉好友卡罗拉喝醉走失,于是两个人拉上整个乐队成员踏上寻人之旅。期间,诺拉发现CD的原主人正是尼克,尼克也被诺拉带到父亲曾经的录音室,受到极大震撼,两个同样爱着音乐的年轻人,尝试和试探着走在一起……