A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-terrorists that have infiltrated and are attempting to disrupt the Canadian election. Colt Hanson – with the help of his small force of peace officers, must do everything he can to find the Russians and bring back order to his small town.
国家地理频道11月26日将播出一小时特别节目,《跟随詹姆斯·卡梅隆探寻20年后的泰坦尼克号》( Titanic: 20 Years Later with James Cameron,暂译)。泰坦尼克号的发现者罗伯特·巴拉德将和卡梅隆,通过33次深潜所得到的数据和残骸,重新分析这艘巨轮沉默的真相,并有望推翻之前对这艘巨轮的推断。