艾莉森·珍妮、安妮·墨菲(《富家穷路》)、本·普拉特将主演婚礼喜剧[婚礼上我们讨厌的人](The People We Hate at the Wedding,暂译)。该片由克莱尔·斯坎伦(《初来乍到》)执导,《开心汉堡店》第二季编剧Lizzie molyneux-logelin、温迪·莫里纽克斯共同操刀剧本。该片根据格兰特·金德撰写的同名小说改编,有望成为另一个[四个婚礼和一个葬礼]。故事讲述一个不太和睦的家庭,因为一场婚礼被迫相聚,他们过去的隔阂一点点被放大,这些也正是这个家庭在重归于好的路上需要解决的问题。
The dramatic, true story of C.S. Lewis' journey from committed atheist to reluctant believer begins with his turbulent childhood. After losing his mother to cancer and becoming estranged from his father, a young C.S. Lewis deems existence bleak and unfortunate. His tutelage under atheist William T. Kirkpatrick and his harrowing experiences in The Great War solidify his case for materialism until he befriends J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson. His fellow intellectuals-all Christians-challenge him to consider the logical, mythological, and literary cases for Christianity, and Lewis must face a life-altering choice: to hold fast to materialism or to give his life to Jesus Christ.
World-renowned therapist Phil Stutz sits down for an unusual, heartfelt session with friend and patient Jonah Hill, bringing to life Stutz’s visualization exercises, called The Tools, and sharing how to apply them to pursue “active love.”