Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood.
伊诺(亨瑞·霍珀 Henry Hopper 饰)是一个有点奇怪的年轻人,他似乎对生活毫无兴趣,却喜欢在陌生人的葬礼上游荡。在一次葬礼期间,他偶然邂逅了一位独特的女孩安娜贝尔(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰),两人渐渐成为无话不说的好朋友。伊诺向安娜贝尔介绍自己的一个鬼魂朋友浩(加濑亮 饰),安娜贝尔则与伊诺分享她为之痴迷的达尔文学说。然而好景不长,就在两人关系日渐亲密,生活的乐趣也慢慢复苏之时,安娜贝尔告诉了伊诺一个事实——她是一个将不久于世的癌症病人。面对着一边是难以割舍的韶华时光,一边是无法改写的死之永夜,这段不寻常的爱情将以怎样的方式对抗生命的流逝……
While struggling on a solo backpacking trip in Thailand, social media influencer Madison meets CW, who travels with ease and shows her a more uninhibited way of living, but CW's interest in her takes a darker turn.
After the heart donors, Sasha comes home and somethings happened. Nina assumed that it's because the heart donor he had from Tiara and she haunting the house. Nina, have to fight and save Sasha from the terror of that child ghost.
Following her daughter's suicide, a grief-stricken mother is visited by an unconventional therapist who offers a hallucinogenic drug that will allow communion with the dead. Desperate to understand her daughter's psyche, she accepts the offer and soon finds herself terrorized by her daughter's identical experiences.