世界上的另一个我》翻拍自韩剧《Who Are You-学校2015》,糖妹(Natam)和王慧侦(Krist)主演。 在忍受了恶毒的欺凌之后,孤儿Mind试图自杀,希望摆脱她的问题。不可思议的是,她因失去所有记忆而生存下来,在承担米恩身份时醒来,开始新的生活。头脑和梅恩是没有更多的不同,当然,除了事实上,他们是同卵双胞胎。作为米恩生活,Mind有机会见到内特,一个年轻的游泳运动员,谁是米恩斯的密友,和Gunkan,一个调皮的帅哥在学校,后来来帮助她恢复她失去的记忆。但随着时间的流逝,揭开真相使她感到比她经历过的更多的痛苦。
Hugo Llor, a 12-year-old boy who spends most of his time on the streets. His day is also spent in the shipyards and his dream is to become a shipbuilding craftsman, although his fate is uncertain. Hugo's life is not easy, he is a very lonely boy and his mother is forced to move away from him, but he has the support and protection of a respected old man: Arnau Estanyol.
When the pandemic starts, Dona Isadir doesn't think twice about renting out her apartment in Cachambi, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, so she can be closer to her family. She decides unilaterally and without warning to move into the mansion owned by her son Carlos in Barra da Tijuca, much to the dismay of her daughter-in-law, Alice. Her grandchildren, Jonas and Márcia are caught in the crossfire, while the family's longtime employee, Marinez, has a front-row seat to the fireworks. And we haven't even mentioned the parties and cookouts with old friends from Cachambi, namely Fátima and Cezinha.