早前的富家小姐杨果(陈嘉桦 Ella 饰)在父亲做生意投资失败后,生活变得很落魄。但生活的落魄并没有改变她乐观开朗的天性,她珍惜每一天的生活,日子也算过得有滋有味。而另一边,大律师事务所的头牌律师,最擅长打离婚官司替人争遗产的项羽平(言承旭 饰)则被人称作冷漠无情,尖酸刻薄。但这样的他也有麻烦事,因为项羽平的哥哥因出车祸去世,留下了一对子女——项昱霏和项昱霆。这两个小家伙调皮捣蛋让数个保姆都不堪忍受。于是阴差阳错下,杨果成为了项羽平家的保姆。而二人的第一次相遇却非常的不愉快,杨果号称自己只对女生有兴趣,让项羽平放下了戒心,开始了和杨果磕磕绊绊的生活。 于是,一对欢喜冤家外加两个古灵精怪的小屁孩的故事就此展开……
It is a story of a mistress who comes back for her revenge after enduring all kinds of mistreats from her husband's wedded wife. The resentment between two love rivals is passed on to their descents and grows into a war between two bloodlines. Onnapa is a mistress of a millionaire who owns the biggest flower business in the country. She has endured all kinds of mistreats by her husband's lawful life, Kannika, for years. When their husband dies, Kannika kicked Onnapa out of their home. Onnapa is enraged by the injustice and furious at Kannika. Although more than 30 years have passed, the resentment in Onnapa's heart has never eased off. Now, it is passed on to her daughter and grandchildren. Along with her daughter - Onsalao and her grandsons - Worakorn and Worawet, Onnapa comes back to take her revenge and reclaim things that should have been hers. Onnapa starts a war with Kannika and her descents including Kannika's daughter - Thantawan, and her grandchildren - Mintra, Nonsee, and Iris. Filled with trickery, deceit, and betrayal, how will this war end?