Follows a man whose pregnant wife gets murdered and despite the police investigation, the truth is unknown. He tries to find what happened, which confronts him with situations of suspense and terror.
Follows a man whose pregnant wife gets murdered and despite the police investigation, the truth is unknown. He tries to find what happened, which confronts him with situations of suspense and terror.
威尔欧丁(达尼埃尔·麦克唐纳 Danielle Macdonald 饰)是一个身材有些微胖的女孩,人们给她取了一个外号叫做“饺子”。威尔欧丁的母亲罗西(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)曾经是当地的选美皇后,并且一直都在热心的策划着每一届选美比赛。人到中年但风韵犹存的罗西让威尔欧丁对自己的容貌和身材感到更加的自卑,母女两人常常因为这种事情拌嘴吵架。 威尔欧丁决定在罗西策划的选美比赛中捣乱,于是勇敢报名。之后,在一家酒吧里,威尔欧丁遇见了扮装皇后多利(哈罗·佩里纽 Harold Perrineau Jr. 饰),多利看出了女孩内心的秘密,于是决定帮助威尔欧丁,将她变成一个更好的人。