When a prehistoric Sponge is unfrozen, he causes chaos all over town - and only SpongeBob can communicate with him! When a flock of clams descend on Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob has to get them out before they ruin the whole town!
在位于特兰斯瓦尼亚某座山顶的一桩阴森古堡内,生活着令周围居民毛骨悚然、谈之色变的传奇人物,他就是著名的吸血怪鸭达寇拉伯爵(戴维·杰森 David Jason 配音)。这个几乎拥有不死之身的怪物一度是所有人的噩梦,可是某天不知道什么原因,达寇拉竟然变成一个不爱吸血、崇尚素食且胆小怯懦的小贵族。 阴森狰狞的老管家雨果(杰克·梅伊 Jack May 配音)无时无刻不在设法让达寇拉重新变成吸血鬼,而身形巨大的天然呆女佣南妮(布瑞恩·楚门 Brian Trueman 配音)又总是无意中破坏着一切。加上可以在规定时间内瞬间前往世界各地的城堡。达寇拉展开了一次次惊险刺激、快乐有趣的大冒险……
King Julien is here to party, and no one can stop him from ruling with an iron fist... in the air, wavin' like he just doesn't care! ALL HAIL KING JULIEN brings the wild world of Madagascar to a totally original, totally hilarious and totally insane television series in which the king takes on the craziest adventures the jungle has to offer. A new cast of fantastic, colorful characters joins King Julien himself, along with his second-in-command, Maurice, and his longtime devotee, Mort. It's a riot of color - not to mention a laugh riot - when viewers ALL HAIL KING JULIEN!