Orestes travels to a small island during the pandemic in order to set up a music festival from scratch. Confronted with the small socie ty of the island, he will find involved in an extreme love story 克里斯托弗洛斯·帕帕卡里亚蒂斯阔别八年回归影坛作品,继“岛” “红河” “寂静之路”后又一部希腊剧佳片,疫病,难民,爱情,古典乐课。看似和谐的家庭关系之下又有多少暗流涌动?希腊碧海蓝天之间又隐藏着多少悲欢离合?一曲德彪西的月光,两段禁忌之爱,一幅描绘当代希腊人浪漫与苦情,挣扎与救赎的风情画。 10月13日希腊MegaTv独播,仅面向希腊地区观众,12月19日上线Netflix(希腊、塞浦路斯地区),23年年初将作为Netflix第一部希腊语剧集全球上映。
No tricks here - just a treat to a sizzle reel and a tease of Season 2, which premieres two months from today - Thurs, Sept. 29 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS! The hit comedy was the #1 new television series of last season and the #1 comedy on streamer Paramount+.
The project from showrunner Taylor Sheridan follows patriarch Jacob (Ford) and matriarch Cara (Mirren) and explores “the early 20th century, when pandemics, historic drought, the end of Prohibition and the Great Depression all plague the mountain west, and the Duttons who call it home.”
Princess Charming is a German reality dating show that premiered on May 25, 2021, streaming on premium sector of RTL+ and began airing on October 29, 2021, on television on VOX. It is streaming on RTL+, operated by the RTL media group, in German.
Centred on Ashley and Gordon, two single-ish, complex humans who are brought together by a car accident and an injured dog. Flawed, funny people choosing each other and being brave enough to show their true self, scars and all, as they navigate life together.