Two years have passed since we left Daniele and the ship of madmen. Many things have changed: Daniele and Nina have become the parents of little Maria and shortly after her birth they separated. We find them fighting for custody of the little girl with the support of their respective, very different families. Daniele, after the intense experience he had during the CHT week, has chosen to become a nurse and, thanks to the intervention of Dr. Cimaroli, he is about to enter as an intern in the hospital where he was admitted. He has five weeks to demonstrate to the judge that this can become a stable job, establishing himself as a reliable parent. In this new role, Daniele gets to know the new patients in the dormitory, who force him to reflect on his excessive empathy towards the pain of others, and who risk derailing him again.
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.
In a peripheral and unprecedented Milan, a place frequented by the queer community is in danger of closing due to economic problems. The lives of Luz, Tim, Rose and Zhang, who all circle around the Love Club, touch on a path that will make them face their greatest fears. Will Luz be able to live the story with Roberta without the fear of losing her independence?
Tornano a scuola i ragazzi di Marina Piccola insieme a nuove facce e forse anche nuovi amori. Pronti per questo rientro a scuola?!
《超情色》由马特奥·罗韦尔、弗朗西斯·卡罗西尼和弗朗西丝卡·马佐莱尼执导,灵感源自洛可·希佛帝的真实生活。这是一个贯穿他童年生活的深刻故事,讲述了他的家庭、他的出身、他与爱情的关系,并揭示了洛可·塔诺是如何以及何时从奥托纳的一名普通男子变成了洛可·希佛帝 — 世界上最著名的色情男星。 亚历桑德罗·博尔吉饰演洛可·希佛帝,杰丝敏·特丽卡饰演露西娅(一个虚构的女性角色,代表了罗科一生中与之有过关系的大多数女性的综合体),阿德里亚诺·吉安尼尼饰演洛可同父异母的兄弟托马索,萨尔·南尼饰演年轻时的洛可。其他演员还包括恩里科·博雷洛(加布里埃莱)、文森佐·内莫拉托(里卡多·斯基奇)、加亚·梅塞克林格(莫阿纳)、雅德·佩德里(西尔维)和琳达·卡里迪(蒂娜)。
In “Inganno” Gabriella – who is being played by veteran Italian stage and screen actress Monica Guerritore (“My Big Gay Italian Wedding”) – is the proud owner of a luxury hotel on the Amalfi Coast. She is a classy woman, proud of being in good shape at 60, with three grown kids. Gabriella intersects with Elia (Gianniotti) who is the same age as her oldest son and exerts an irresistible power of attraction on her. For Elia she will be ready to put everything on the line, “even her relationship with her children and their inheritance,” according to the provided synopsis. See first look image above.