After a violent bank robbery, the trio of hoods make their way across East L.A. carrying a blood-soaked bag of money. When word gets out, they must fend off gangs and crooked cops alike as they strive to keep the loot and stay alive.
Sins Of Our Youth is the story of four teenage boys who accidentally murder a young boy while shooting off assault weapons recreationally and the perilous decisions they make in the wake of the murder.
桑福德(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)是一名精神病医生,在治愈他人疾病的同时,桑福德自己的家庭却伤痕累累。儿子本杰(伊万·伯德 Evan Bird 饰)年纪轻轻却因为吸毒而被关进了戒毒所,女儿阿加莎(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰)更糟,她竟然因为纵火而被关入了精神病院。 不仅家庭生活陷入了困境,桑福德的事业亦走到了瓶颈,哈瓦那(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)是桑福德的病人,亦是一名演员,她生活在同为著名演员的母亲的阴影之下,甚至连做梦也被母亲的幻影所纠缠。阿加莎出院了,本杰亦回归了家庭之中,孩子们的归来带给桑福德的是更大的麻烦,和更混乱的生活。