In his Scottish New Town home, gangling Gregory and his school-friends are starting to find out about girls. He fancies Dorothy, not least because she has got into the football team - and is a better player than him. He finally asks her out, but it is obviously the females in control of matters here, and that very much includes Gregory's younger sister.
A police sergeant and a parole officer endeavor to stop a rapist-on-parole before he can follow through his threats on five women whom testifed against him years earlier.
英国军方一艘绝密的间谍船在希腊发生了爆炸,船上有一个威力无比的发射机(据说它可以使整个北极星飞弹系统全部报废)沉入了海底。这下,不仅英国军方,还有世界各地的间谍、恐怖分子都开始蠢蠢欲动。于是,007邦德(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)出动了,他的任务就是尽快毁掉这台发射机。同一时候,哈维洛克先生在寻找这项装置时不幸被人刺杀身亡,他的女儿美琳娜(卡洛尔•布盖 Carole Bouquet 饰)试图千方百计想帮父亲报仇。邦德说服了美琳娜协助他潜入海底从沉船里取出了发射机。不幸的是,两人浮出水面被敌人抓住了……
Exotic Eastern European beauty, Linda Allen, flies in to Los Angeles to track down the evil mobsters who tortured and murdered her sister. Meanwhile, the mobsters are trying to find a tape with information that would be incriminating to them. Linda's investigation deals with a pimp who may be the murderer she is after, and a helpful FBI agent who may not be the crime hunter he pretends to be. Cunning and deadly she is, but will she be up to the tangled web of corruption, violence, and death she falls into?