Carla Harris, a beautiful but not so successful actress from L.A., witnesses how her husband is tragically killed in an attempt to save a woman from her male attacker. She travels to her parents' home in a small town in the mountains to get some rest only to be repeatedly harassed by redneck locals and a teenager. The local sheriff refuses to help and so it all ends up in a gang rape and with Carla's parents shot dead. Carla survives and escapes from the mental hospital to seek bloody revenge
这次,007(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)在西伯利亚死亡的英国特工身上找到了科技秘密“微晶硒”之后,发现这个样品与英国的样品一样,证明克格勃的间谍肯定混进了英国的高科技研究秘密领域。于是,007奉命去调查在进行高科技研究的富商佐林(克里斯托弗•沃肯 Chri stopher Walken 饰)。不料他的身份被人识破,007被锁入车中沉进湖底。幸亏命运之神帮了007一个大忙,他得以侥幸逃脱。随后,007跟踪佐林来到了美国。007从苏联女间谍口中套出佐林正计划炸毁位于旧金山的硒矿的计划。为了阻止佐林的阴谋得逞,007行动开始了!