佩吉(莫伊拉·希勒 Moira Shearer 饰)是一名很有天赋的芭蕾舞演员,她对芭蕾舞的热爱让她觉得她生来便是为了舞蹈。她参加了芭蕾舞剧《红菱艳》的演出,在剧中,她扮演那个穿上红鞋一直舞蹈到死的舞女,她的演出获得了业界的一致好评,她的演艺事业就此扶摇直上。之后,她结识了作曲家朱利安(马留斯·戈尔林 Marius Goring 饰)并且迅速坠入了爱河。为了所爱的人,佩吉放弃了自己的事业,但婚后平静的生活令她无法忍受,似乎总有一种魔力在召唤她穿上舞鞋翩然起舞。佩吉听从了内心的召唤,她离开了朱利安重新回到了舞台,但渐渐的,她想起了自己曾经扮演过的那个穿着红鞋的舞女,她觉得她们的身影正在慢慢重叠,不安的佩吉猛然醒悟,自己生命中最重要的并非舞蹈而是家庭,她冲出剧院想要重拾朱利安的爱情,但一辆火车从天而降,终结了她年轻的生命。 影片荣获1949年奥斯卡最佳配乐及最佳艺术指导奖。
抗战期间,华声歌咏队在前线进行宣传活动。黔桂撤退途中,女队员梅春丽与大队失散而与投机商人吴警之相遇,患难之中,两人结伴同行。吴警之对春丽倍献殷勤,抵重庆后,即结为伉俪。 后春丽接获歌咏队来信,盼她早日归队,她即覆信表示同意。吴警之也佯称赞成,而私下却把这封覆信撕 成碎片。而后,他阻绝春丽与外界的一切交往。抗战胜利后,他们回到上海,吴警之因发了国难财,生意更趋扩大。他在与春丽结婚四周年之际,大宴宾客,酒酣之后,他的干妈起哄要春丽登台献歌,春丽不从,致宴会不欢而散,夫妻间矛盾由此加剧。 几天后,他为稳住春丽,满足她的要求而陪她去实验农场参观。不少原来歌咏队的队员,复员后自愿加入农场工作。故友重逢,气氛十分热烈。 而警之则大为扫兴,归家途中两人争吵更加激烈。后春丽被他骗去禁闭于僻远的别庄。在一个风雨之夜,春丽将长窗帘撕成布条连结起来,从窗口缒身下去,逃往农场。不久,农场举行盛大游艺晚会,春丽主唱的《关不住的春光》,博得全场掌声。吴警之带领一批流氓打手前来,企图抢走春丽,农场场员群起护卫,吴警之等抱头鼠窜。春丽又回到大众中间,获得了新生。
David Harvey is a widower with a young son, Davey. They live on an isolated Ohio farm during the pioneer days. He wants his son to be raised in the manner his wife would have wanted - with proper schooling, Bible study and proper manners. Rachel, an indentured servant, is sold to David. David then marries her in order that little Davey would have a mother to properly raise him. David shows no real affection towards Rachel since this is a marriage of convenience. This all changes when Jim, a friend of the family comes for a visit. During his stay, David sees that there is more to Rachel than just being a "bonds woman", especially when Jim takes a liking to her. This awaken new feelings in David for Rachel.
One Touch of Venus (1948) is a film directed by William A. Seiter, starring Robert Walker and Ava Gardner, released by Universal Studios, and based on the Broadway musical of the same name written by Kurt Weill. However, the film omits most of Weill's music and thus got poor reviews. In 1945, Mary Pickford announced that she would produce a film version of this musical with the Broadway cast, including Mary Martin, filmed in Technicolor, directed by Gregory La Cava, and released by United Artists. However, Martin got pregnant and Pickford sold the rights to Lester Cowan at Universal in August 1947. Ann Ronell, Cowan's wife, wrote the additional music that replaced much of Weill's material.