身为中情局探员的,凯文(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 饰)目前正在执行一项危险的卧底任务并且已经得到了至关重要的线索。不幸的是,就在这个节骨眼上,凯文被杀害了,为了任务的顺利进行,中情局找到了凯文的孪生兄弟杰克(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 饰),希望他能够代替死去的哥哥。 和凯文的精明强干不同,杰克只是一个普通的年轻人,为了让他更快的适应新的工作,经验丰富的老探员奥克斯(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)成为了杰克的“教练”。没想到,脾气火爆的杰克对奥克斯的存在十分不感冒,两人关系紧张。时间紧迫,一旦杰克的伪装被识破,他将面临死亡的命运,在这样的危机时刻,杰克和奥克斯这一对冤家搭档能否顺利的完成任务呢?
Rathnam works as a henchman under MLA Panner Selvam. A girl travels to Vellore for an interview and a few rowdies try to kill her but Rathnam saves her and becomes her guardian angel. How long can he protect her? 在从混混手中救下一名异地求职的女孩后,拉什纳姆,这个当地议员的打手,化身成了女孩的保护神。然而,他真的能一直保护她吗?
Carla Harris, a beautiful but not so successful actress from L.A., witnesses how her husband is tragically killed in an attempt to save a woman from her male attacker. She travels to her parents' home in a small town in the mountains to get some rest only to be repeatedly harassed by redneck locals and a teenager. The local sheriff refuses to help and so it all ends up in a gang rape and with Carla's parents shot dead. Carla survives and escapes from the mental hospital to seek bloody revenge