Ambitious young Māori detective, Ariki Davis (Dominic Ona-Ariki) arrives in Queenstown with high hopes for his future. When local legend Grub Ryder is found dead at the bottom of the infamous One Lane Bridge, Ariki joins the investigation and inadvertently unlocks his Matakite – a supernatural ability akin to second sight that he hasn’t experienced since his youth. Māori metaphysics collides with Southern Man skepticism and Ariki’s spiritual gift threatens to endanger the case, his career and his life.
《权力的游戏 Game of Thrones》的Michiel Huisman将加盟Discovery频道剧集《Harley and the Davidsons》。这部剧由真人真事改篇,根据密尔沃基当地一对好兄弟William Harley及Walter Davidson,两个19岁少年如何从后院开设公司,并经过一番奋斗后,建立闻名天下的「哈雷摩托车」品牌。 Michiel Huisman饰演Walter Davidson,而他在《权力的游戏》饰演的是Daario Naharis。
ITV续订真实罪案剧集《寻凶 Manhunt》第二季,定名为《寻凶:黑夜狩猎者 Manhunt: The Night Stalker》,仍然4集。 Martin Clunes回归扮演高级督察Colin Sutton。第一季编剧Ed Whitmore继续负责剧本。 故事基于Colin Sutton的日志和真实事件改编,讲述了警方对一个臭名昭著的连环强奸犯的追捕,他17年的罪恶行径让伦敦东南部数千名老年人生活在恐惧之中。这是Colin Sutton退休前负责的一桩重要案件。 剧集已开拍,预计2021年播出。