Season 2 sees Alex (Ally Xue), Jamie (JJ Fong), Pip (Perlina Lau) and male survivor Bobby (Jay Ryan) fleeing rural Hiro Valley and going on an epic road trip to bring Wellness cult leader Lane (Tandi Wright) to justice and uncover the truth about the ‘mandemic.’
被朋友两个字隔开的两个人的故事。最好的朋友,Phupha和Nanfah,将传达一种爱,困惑和恐惧的关系。他们将如何跨越从朋友到爱人的界限? The story of two people separated by the word friend. Best friends, Phupha and Nanfah, will convey a relationship of love, confusion and fear. How will they come to cross over the line from friend to lover?