Recently-widowed Leann and her 17-year-old daughter Julina move into an isolated polygamous compound, where the freethinking Julina meets like-minded Ryder, son of the religious compound’s charismatic Prophet, Ervil. Immediately drawn to one another, the two begin to secretly meet and soon fall in love. Threatened by his son’s budding attraction to Julina, Ervil claims God has instructed him to take Julina as his new wife so they can build a new community in Mexico. When Ryder and Julina learn of Ervil’s intent to destroy their relationship, they begin to plan their escape. However, Ervil intercedes and banishes Ryder from the sect, leaving him in a remote area of the desert so he can no longer endanger his plan to marry Julina. Wandering for miles, Ryder arrives in Las Vegas, where he finds his old friend and excommunicated “lost boy” Micah and enlists his help to rescue Julina. Back at the compound, Leann and her sister-wives also begin to realize Ervil’s role as Prophet is not as sacred as they originally believed and set out to save Julina and reunite her with her true love, Ryder.
伯尼(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)是一名经验丰富的警探,一天,一个名叫乔治(拉尔夫·布朗 Ralph Brown 饰)的男人横死街头,伯尼负责调查此案。在案发现场,一个名为安娜(夏洛特·兰普林 Charlotte Rampling 饰)的女人吸引了伯尼的注意,虽然他只是和安娜擦肩而过,但安娜的样子始终不断的萦绕在他的脑海中,于是,伯尼决定跟踪安娜。 随着时间的推移,伯尼发现自己深深的坠入了情网之中,虽然安娜很有可能就是杀死乔治的凶手,但伯尼还是无法自持的爱上了她。在正义和情感之间,伯尼该何去何从?而对于安娜来说,她那谜一样的过去也渐渐的浮出了水面。