ABC的《天空市凶案 The Big Sky》由David E. Kelley主创,改编自C.J. Box的「Cassie Dewell」小说系列首集《The Highway》。 《天空市凶案》讲述私人侦探Cassie Dewell及前警察Jenny Hoyt合作调查蒙大拿州一条偏僻公路的绑架案,在案中有两名姐妹被一名卡车司机绑走。然而当两人深入调查时竟然发现受害者不止两人,现在主角们得争分夺秒下抓到凶手,阻止他再绑架其他女子。
World On Fire series two will take viewers from the streets of Britain into occupied France, Nazi Germany, and to the sands of the North African desert, where British troops struggle alongside Indian Sappers and Australian Diggers to adapt to a very different kind of combat.