Part 2 of 2. In Patagonia, Bear skins a hare, scales a cliff, tracks a puma, drinks dirty water, and crosses the Perito Moreno glacier, a vast frozen labyrinth of ice caves and crevasses.
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由申亿传媒与爱奇艺联合出品全球首档华语流行音乐海外真人秀《Sing Tour 唱给世界听》全球海选正式落幕。十二位学员将肩负把华语流行音乐带向世界的神圣使命,翘首以盼前往音乐之都—澳大利亚悉尼,开启中外流行音乐正面较量与交流。国际级的明星导师们将陪同学员们共同成长、磨砺!让我们共同走出国门,唱响华语音乐!在世界的舞台上,共同见证下一批华语乐坛新生代的崛起! The First Overseas International Chinese Pop Music Singer Talent and Reality Show.
Bear drops into the swamps of Florida's Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescued each year. He trudges through the swamp and shows how to construct shelter, deal with razor-sharp sawgrass, get out of a muddy sinkhole, avoid alligators and rattlesnakes. He eats frogs and cooks a turtle Seminole-style.