《傲骨之战》第二季,世界疯了;现在,抵抗者也疯了。 戴安·洛克哈特试图弄清,难不成不疯魔不可斗恶龙?艾德里安·博斯曼和丽兹·雷迪克-劳伦斯则在这个叙事为王的后事实新时代里挣扎抗争。与此同时,卢卡·奎因努力平衡工作、子女和情爱,玛雅·林德尔则遭遇自己的梅菲斯特——腐败化身罗兰·布卢姆律师。 「JOIN THE FIGHT」
A group of young friends as they come of age and strive to meet the unexpected demands of adult life while coming to terms with their own identities, pasts, and passions.
As the NCIS team searches for Gibbs after wreckage from his boat is discovered, they find out he was tracking a serial killer with journalist Marcie Warren, who wrote an exposé on him.
《权力的游戏 Game of Thrones》的Michiel Huisman将加盟Discovery频道剧集《Harley and the Davidsons》。这部剧由真人真事改篇,根据密尔沃基当地一对好兄弟William Harley及Walter Davidson,两个19岁少年如何从后院开设公司,并经过一番奋斗后,建立闻名天下的「哈雷摩托车」品牌。 Michiel Huisman饰演Walter Davidson,而他在《权力的游戏》饰演的是Daario Naharis。