稀有书经销商阿波罗和他的妻子艾玛丶刚出生的儿子一直过着幸福的生活,唯一的问题是阿波罗经常做噩梦。有一天艾玛突然失踪,阿波罗去寻找她的旅程,以及这段旅程的结果,都十分引人入胜丶描绘动人。和拉维列早期的作品《银色的恶魔》(The Devil in Silver)丶《狂喜之人》(The Ecstatic)一样,他的这本新书也有着童话的意味,并将多种文学类型融合在一起,是一部带有恐怖元素的严肃文学作品。
Mayor of Kingstown, starring Jeremy Renner and Dianne Wiest, follows the McLusky family, power brokers in Kingstown, Mich., where the business of incarceration is the only thriving industry.
咖啡店关门时...他为商店的重新开张和成长做了一切,却不知道爱情即将发生。 When the coffee shop close... he did everything for the shop to reopen and grow without knowing that love is about to happen.
Antoine Verlaque, Investigating Judge in Aix-en Provence with his romantic partner Marine Bonnet investigates the murders, mysteries, and dark underbelly of their idyllic home in the south of France.