该剧以北海道郊区新设的儿童重症监护室(PICU=Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)为舞台,当地由于地域广阔难以提供及时的医疗服务,医生们努力创建可以尽快救治患者的设施。吉泽亮饰演有些笨拙不成熟的年轻儿科医生志子田武四郎,他一直与母亲一起生活,与PICU医生植野元(安田显)相遇改变了他的人生。
Police commissioner Herville is found dead in a Chinese restaurant in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Gilou must break the news to Laure, who is being treated in a Police rehabilitation center. Now in charge of the unit, Gilou begins investigating with Ali, a young cop, fresh out of training. They quickly find themselves on the case of a break-in gone wrong and the trail of 15-year-old Ryan, a juvenile delinquent. Roban learns he must soon retire but still manages to oversee the Herville case. Awaiting trail, Joséphine struggles with life in prison.