Introduced by burlesque icon Tempest Storm, the strippers of Portland, Oregon finally get their close-up in this unique feature. The behind-the-scenes look at real-life strippers adds an air of realism to this work of fiction based on the book. Every stripper has its own troubles & dreams. One stripper is being pursued by a stalker. Tired of feeling like a victim, the hunted becomes the hunter.
코로나19가 창궐한 세상. 스물다섯 살 주리는 인간관계를 단절하고 집에 틀어박혀 사는 우울증 초기 상태다. 반면 주리의 엄마 영심은 어려운 시기에도 야무지게 김밥집을 운영하고 있다. 어느 날 영심은 주리의 할머니를 간병하기 위해 급히 시골로 내려가고, 주리는 예상치 못하게 영심의 김밥집을 맡게 된다.
In the feelgood drama June Again a twist of fate gives family matriarch June a reprieve from a debilitating illness. Much to their amazement, June re-enters the lives of her adult children, Ginny and Devon, and learns that ‘things haven’t gone according to plan’. With limited time but plenty of pluck, she sets about trying to put everything, and everyone, back on track. When her meddling backfires, June sets out on a romantic journey of her own and discovers she needs help from the very people she was trying to rescue.
香港高級督察陳輝一直負責多名滲入黑幫卧底的秘密任務. 其手下 Joe 被派往入黑道紅人士巴拿的集團中, 負責搜集其犯罪証據. 可是, Joe 在一次跟士巴拿往馬來西亞賽車的旅途中, 突與王失去聯絡, 王擔心此行是涉及與馬來西亞的毒品交易, 更害怕 Joe 之身份被悉穿, 遭遇不測. 由於事態不明, 為免打草驚蛇及暴露 Joe 之卧底身份, 王決定派手下陳輝帶同三名自願參與行動的卧底: 大技, Simon, 及飛仔, 於四十八小時內赴馬來西亞將 Joe 帶回......
A documentary series which takes viewers behind the scenes with the animal-care experts, veterinarians, and biologists at Disney's Animal Kingdom and Epcot's SeaBase aquarium.