Explores themes of female empowerment through sex, work, and friendship. These women are able to come together through their frustration over male dominance and in fact use their newly ...
作为SEVENTEEN在首尔世界杯体育场的首次演唱会而备受期待的 <SEVENTEEN TOUR ‘FOLLOW’ AGAIN TO SEOUL>演出,以及首次公开《MAESTRO》、《Cheers to youth》、《Spell》和《LALALI》等歌曲时的现场火爆反响!这些令人心潮澎湃的瞬间均通过电影摄像机从多角度记录了下来。
法国独立制片公司Gaumont将拍一部关于席琳·迪翁的电影《爱的力量》(The Power of Love),成本2300万美元,影片将会出现多首迪翁的经典歌曲,包括“All by Myself”、“My Heart Will Go On”、“I’m Alive”等。 瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃(《巴黎淘气帮》《五月傻瓜》)执导,她也将饰演迪翁。影片记录迪翁从60年代在魁北克出生、成长,到十几岁时声名鹊起,再到她与经纪人、丈夫Rene Angelil以及家人的关系。法国2020年12月2日上映。
Follows the music career of Kid Cudi from the release of 'Day n Nite' in 2008 through present day recordings. Friends and producers illustrate his story in conjunction with concert footage and never before seen behind-the-scenes.
UP STAR is back, with an all-new movie that takes the popular singing dogs on trip around the world, where Tiny and friends find fantastic new songs and meet exciting new canine singers that prove music really is the universal language.