故事发生在十七世纪中叶的荷兰。德鲁伊特(弗兰克·拉莫斯 Frank Lammers 饰)继承了马尔滕(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer 饰)的位置成为了新一任的海军上将,他用接二连三的胜利证明了自己的智慧和实力,赢得了属下们的信赖与尊重。 共和党官员约翰(巴里·阿茨玛 Barry Atsma 饰)和奥兰治党的亲王威廉三世(埃伯特·杨·韦伯 Egbert Jan Weeber 饰)为了挣得权利而进行着没有硝烟的较量。与此同时,荷兰和英国之间的战争正如火如荼的进行着。带领着自己的舰队,德鲁伊特成功的击退了敌人,因而成为了享誉全国的英雄,可他的名声大噪亦让他被迫卷入了王室的权欲纷争之中,甚至威胁到了他和他的家人的生命。
In the year of 1066AC, William the Conqueror is about to embark from Dives-sur-Mer to conquer England. In the event that he would not return alive, Guillaume introduced his son Robert to his loyal barons to receive the ducal throne heritage.
After narrowly escaping an ancient burial ground, a group of friends find themselves trapped between two evils, forcing them to fight, die, or go back the way they came.