「少女情懷總是詩」,是1977年坎城影展最受爭議的影片,以大膽而唯美的映像,描述一名情竇初開的女學生與她的初戀,而她的戀愛過程中,又牽扯到女同性戀的情節。標題的「碧麗提絲」,是古希臘一位生活在賽浦路斯的交際花,據說她曾經以跟她同一個時代的古希臘女詩人賽佛(Sappho)類似的風格,寫下不少描述女同志愛情生活的詩篇,因此後來成了西方女同志的象徵人物,而她和賽佛所居住的小島「蕾絲柏斯」(Lesbos),更是女同志「蕾絲邊」(Lesbian)這個名詞的來源。1955年,最早成立的女同志組織之一,就用「碧麗提絲的女兒」(Daughters of Bilitis)當作名稱。
"Nove Ospiti per un Delitto" is a mediocre giallo in the tradition of Agatha Christie's "And Then They Were None". Nine members of the same family go to an island, where nobody lives - but the head of the family (Arthur Kennedy) owns a nice house there. Problem is that he and his three sons keep a dark secret, and this dark secret begins to haunt them as soon as they are on the island. One by one they fall victim to a mysterious killer... (IMDb)