Barry Chan, upon release from prison for killing a man, has to decide whether to help his father stand up to local crime gangs who are trying to force him out of his home. If he stays and fights, he risks returning to jail - if he leaves...oh, come on. He isn't going to leave.
哲姆洛克(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)与母亲和姐姐过着相依为命的生活,他干的是最低级的工作,过的是最卑微的日子,然而,在逆境中,他始终沉默着,没有丝毫抱怨。一次偶然中,他发现了老板和秘书之间的奸情,就这样,哲姆洛克丢掉了他唯一赖以生存的工作。 回到家后的哲姆洛克似乎变了个人似地,他找来锤子把卧室的墙壁砸了个大洞,又用砖头将房门封死。哲姆洛克的癫狂行为给周遭的邻居们带来了困扰,警察来了,哲姆洛克毫不屈服,处处和警察作对,奇怪的是,尽管哲姆洛克的行为令人侧目,但是,越来越多的人们加入到了哲姆洛克的行动中来,一时间,疯狂笼罩了整个世界。
Two rustic families, headed by patriarchs Laban Feather and Pap Gutshall, are feuding. At first, it is comical, with just the sons of the two families playing tricks on each other. But soon the Feather boys decide to kidnap a girl. She turns out to be innocent bystander Roonie Gill, not the made-up girlfriend "Lolly Madonna." As events escalate, Zack Feather and Roonie fall in love and try to bring the others to their senses. Will Roonie discover Zack's dark secret, the reason for the painful feud between the two families which once were close friends?
本片围绕一位年轻的雕刻家艾里克(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer饰)与美艳女郎奥尔加(莫妮卡·梵·德·冯 Monique van de Ven饰)展开,讲述两人之间一段刻骨铭心的孽缘情债。一起车祸让天性崇尚自由欲望的艾里克,邂逅美艳女郎奥尔加。从此他终日沉迷于暴力虐待式的床第之欢。当奥尔加远嫁美国后,艾里克重陷孤独,他只能以更加疯狂的性欲来发泄心中的痛苦。然而当两人再次重遇时,那段刻骨铭心的爱欲却再也无法重现,唯化作一段孽缘成追忆。 这部由荷兰著名电影导演、剧作家、制片人保罗·范霍文执导,改编自畅销作家Jan Wolkers同名小说《土耳其狂欢》的情色电影,不但荣获1974年第46届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片提名,更获得“本世纪最佳荷兰电影”称号。本片营造出一种颓废唯美的绝望氛围,创下当年荷兰票房纪录。《土耳其狂欢》以热情大胆的爱情故事和赤裸野性的性暴力场面,成为荷兰电影史上是一部举足轻重的影片。