Al Shines,这位“US race car track circuit”的前冠军,自从失去赞助商罗宾,他的车队组建越发艰难。罗宾选择了Al的不成熟的女儿作为替代。 Al Shines, former king of the US race car track circuit, has a hard time starting his own team, once he's fired by his sponsor Robin Cates. Robin hired Al's immature daughter Kylie Shines instead. She resents Al's inevitable 'absence' as a widowed father, as well as the reigning champion, equally young but professionally vetted Kid Walker. Kylie tries to prove herself against Kid while having an on-off affair with him. Cates's marketing strategy dictates his intentions to manipulate Walker and both Shines racers.
Go beyond the pitch with the personalities that power MLS. With unprecedented access to players, coaches and clubs, this series explores the electrifying moments and captivating stories that make the 2024 season unforgettable.
Follows Toni's journey from seeking boxing training from Elliott, a gym owner, to becoming a pioneering female boxing manager guiding Payne to a championship fight, while drawing upon lessons learned from Elliott.
Las maestras republicanas fueron unas mujeres que participaron en la conquista de los derechos de las mujeres y en la modernización de la educación, basada en los principios de la escuela pública y democrática. Este documental, a través de la recreación de la vida de una maestra de la época, e imágenes de archivo inéditas, nos descubre el legado que nos han dejado las maestras republicanas y que ha llegado hasta nuestros días.
Sophie is a twenty-year-old American woman who has lived all her solitary life in a bubble. During a vacation in Palermo with her sister, she meets Giulio and his group of Sicilian friends. Anxious to let go and live life to the hilt, Sophie decides to walk along the edge of disaster and gets sucked into a vortex of risky behavior that turns a mere romp on the wild side into a heart-pumping fight for survival – and redemption.
Florida's Lake Jesup is the most densely infested alligator lake in the entire United States - known by locals as "the place to take your huo87,com mother-in-law to water ski." This is the story of 13 hellish days on the lake in 2003.
20世纪70年代,美国某个远离大都市的小镇。深陷毒品泥潭的青年鲍伯(马特·狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰)和青梅竹马的女友(凯莉·林奇 Kelly Lynch 饰)、单纯孔武的瑞克(詹姆斯·勒格罗 James LeGros 饰)以及美丽叛逆的娜汀(海瑟·格拉汉姆 Heather Graham 饰)组成一支专门打劫药房的犯罪团伙。鲍伯担任首领,指挥伙伴们吸引注意力,他则趁机潜入药房盗取可用作毒品的所有违禁药物。警察的连番打击让他们四处躲藏,走投无路,却从来不想摆脱当下的困境。 这一日,鲍伯一伙来到另一个小镇。在次盘桓期间,一向逆反的娜汀趁伙伴们外出服用了过量药物导致死亡。这次意外,彻底改变了鲍勃浪荡自毁的灰暗人生