讲述的是一个女子受到诱惑希望能一夜改变自己的人生,不顾危险登上了澳门最高级的豪华游艇,和两个男人之间产生了爱和欲望的故事。林秀晶在片中饰演被朋友背叛,被债主追债的女主人公智妍,她为了能摆脱困境而接受了一个看似可以改变人生的提议,却陷入了危险的欲望之中。柳演锡饰演出现在智妍面前的神秘男人,和智妍在澳门第一次相遇之后就牵绊在一起,之后两人之间就有一种暧昧的紧张感,关系走向令人非常好奇。 翻拍自肖恩·康纳利1960年代的作品 Woman of Straw,,讲述了一段因心爱的男人的请求投入他人怀抱,最终以悲惨结局收场的悲情罗曼史。
Festivities take a back seat as DI Parker investigates the murder of a podcaster. She had been probing the disappearance of a child and claimed to have found new evidence. The missing child has haunted Commissioner Patterson for years.
The Irish Mob tells the story of crime boss Val Fagan and the dark world of gangland Dublin, he leads a violent bloody and ruthless gang who are the main target of Garda detectives after an audacious cash depot robbery.