A young apprentice healer tries to suppress his supernatural abilities so he can fit in with the other kids, but when a malicious spirit breaks out in his apartment he decides to use his abilities while dark family secrets are revealed.
A group of friends working as house cleaners are doing their jobs in an old bungalow. Later they find out that the bungalow is inhabited by a spirit of vengeance, and all of them will have to pay for their past sins. 一群做房屋清洁工的朋友正在一间旧平房里工作。后来他们发现平房里住着复仇的灵魂,他们所有人都必须为过去的罪孽付出代价。
Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to help her cute son live his life for good.
Sakinah, a poor single mom in an isolated village, is haunted by an evil spirit linked to Abu Jar, a man with misleading religious teachings, and Adam have to embark on a rescue mission to save Sakinah from the evil spirit and Abu Jar's torment.
【最後的伊甸園】(Sacred Planet)是迪士尼2004年在美國推出上映的紀錄片,本片是一部IMAX超大螢幕電影,選在世界地球日4月22日於全美的各大IMAX戲院上映。 迪士尼近年來投注許多心力在經營IMAX電影市場,包括在這類型戲院推出動畫電影【幻想曲2000】、重映【美女與野獸】…等,或是推出專為此類戲院拍製的【深淵遊魂】、【黑神駒前傳】…等,【最後的伊甸園】就是迪士尼特別經營IMAX電影市場所推出的作品,只有在IMAX戲院推出,並沒有在其他一般的普通戲院上映。 【最後的伊甸園】全片的片長才四十幾分鐘,整部電影是以旁白方式引述的紀錄片電影,帶領觀眾探索許多人類現代文明尚未擴張的領域,包括大不列顛最古老的森林、極北的雪嶺、泰國境內的古代遺跡…等等,藉由傳統宗教的角度重新認識我們所居住的地球。全片走遍世界許多角落拍攝,採用特別的攝影技術呈現,並配合充滿世界性的音樂,呈現出一段探索自然奧妙與人類存在價值的神聖旅程。 本片是由 Jon Long 擔任執導,製片則是由 Jon Long 以及 Karen Fernandez 所共同擔任,在本片中擔任旁白引述的則是由好萊塢知名演員兼導演 Robert Redford 所負責。 由於【最後的伊甸園】是一部IMAX戲院專門放映的電影,而本片推出之時台灣當時還沒有專營的商業IMAX電影院,因此本片並未 安排在台灣的電影院推出上映,而是在2005年中旬直接以發行影音產品的方式首度在台推出。